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Hatsune Miku is a virtual singing artist created by Crypton Future Media. She is depicted as a 16-year-old girl with long, turquoise twintails and is known for her distinctive voice and her use in music production software, such as Vocaloid. Hatsune Miku has become a cultural icon and has performed at various concerts worldwide through the use of holographic technology. She has also appeared in various video games and anime, and has a large fan base. Hatsune Miku is often considered as the most popular and well-known Vocaloid.

Hatsune Miku was first released as a Vocaloid software in 2007, and quickly gained popularity in Japan for her unique voice and the ability for users to create their own songs using her voice. Her popularity spread to other countries, and she has since become a global phenomenon.

In addition to her use in music production, Hatsune Miku has also been featured in a variety of video games, such as the Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA series, which are rhythm games that feature her songs. She has also been featured in anime and manga, as well as in a variety of merchandise such as figures, clothing, and accessories.

Hatsune Miku has also performed live in concert through the use of holographic technology. These concerts are called "Hatsune Miku Live Party" and have taken place not only in Japan but also in countries such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, France and the United States. These concerts feature Hatsune Miku performing on stage as a hologram, accompanied by a live band.

Hatsune Miku's popularity has also led to the creation of a large and dedicated fan community, who create fan art, music, and videos featuring the virtual singer. Hatsune Miku has become a cultural icon and has had a significant impact on the music industry, as well as on popular culture.


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在庫オリジナルセガspm vocaloid初音ミク2022さくらミクフィギュア25センチメートルpvcアニメのアクション置物モデルのおもちゃギフト 4606 4606  (~JPY  ) +detail

ミク初音漫画フィギュア,ミク,オリジナル,本物,光沢,かわいい人形,家の装飾,女の子や子供へのギフト 9879 4939  (~JPY  ) +detail

木製メカニカルキーボード,ワイヤレスヘッドセット,カスタム軸 8539 4953  (~JPY  ) +detail

置物漫画マンガ,初音ミク,子供のおもちゃ,置物,花の妖精,麺,スツール,PVC,アクション,モデル,おもちゃ,ギフト,オリジナル 4940 4940  (~JPY  ) +detail

男性の女性の雪初音アニメ大人のファッション冬のセータードレス含まれスカーフZXSxh01 4982 4583  (~JPY  ) +detail

ぬいぐるみ,初音ミク,蝶ネクタイ付き,100% オリジナル,誕生日プレゼント用,記念碑,共同漫画,25cm 8131 5041  (~JPY  ) +detail

U字型メモリーフォーム枕,漫画のキャラクターが付いたぬいぐるみ,取り外し可能な看護クッション,かわいい首のサポート,ヘッドレスト,ミク 4825 4825  (~JPY  ) +detail

初音ミクのコスプレ靴,キャラクターの服,アクセサリー 15996 4319  (~JPY  ) +detail

ピンクの漫画の置物,アニメの置物,かわいい,本物の,家の装飾,女の子と子供への贈り物 4940 4940  (~JPY  ) +detail

ディズニーの漫画の置物2023,初音ミクの漫画のキャラクター 4736 4594  (~JPY  ) +detail

タトゥーキーフィギュア,初音ミク,アニメ,ラゲッジ,秋の服,PVC,装飾,スタイリッシュ,コレクタブルドール,ギフト 8202 5250  (~JPY  ) +detail

漫画のぬいぐるみ,公式ライセンスのヴィンテージスタイルのぬいぐるみ,漫画のぬいぐるみ 4480 4480  (~JPY  ) +detail

39フィギュア,初音ミク,ロックオパール,オリジナル,PVCモデル,収集可能な置物,おもちゃ,ギフト,先行販売 5186 5186  (~JPY  ) +detail

Totoオリジナルの本物の失効初音ミク仮想シンガーmiuku 3シーズン秋のダイバー。アニメのアクションフィギュア,収集可能なモデルのおもちゃ,18cm 7070 4949  (~JPY  ) +detail

アニメアクションフィギュア,壮大なサイドラモス,セーラームーン,エタースーパーサイラ,ネプチュン,カワイイウヨクロウ,モデル,おもちゃ,在庫あり,BANPRESTO-PVC 6720 5107  (~JPY  ) +detail

オリジナルの初音ミクゲームコレクションカード,歌う女の子のルカキャラクター,珍しい円のカード,子供の誕生日プレゼント 6396 5245  (~JPY  ) +detail

ピンクの漫画の置物,ピンクの漫画のおもちゃ,本物の動物,子供のための家の装飾,女の子のためのギフト 5932 4449  (~JPY  ) +detail

男性と女性のための腕立て伏せクロスボディチェストバッグ,胸,ショルダーバッグ,パッケージ,ミニ呼び出し,コスプレウエストパック 4480 4480  (~JPY  ) +detail

小さな女の子のためのフランネルチェック柄の掛け布団,初音ミク,クリスマスプレゼント,2024 6088 4565  (~JPY  ) +detail

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