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Vocaloid is a singing voice synthesizer software developed by Yamaha Corporation that uses synthesized singing to create songs. The software allows users to input lyrics and melody, and then generates a singing voice from a database of samples. The software has been used to create a wide range of music, from pop and rock to classical and experimental. Vocaloid is also used in live performances, where the singing voice is generated in real-time. The most famous Vocaloid characters are Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO and MEIKO. Hatsune Miku, in particular, has become a cultural icon in Japan and has even performed in concert as a hologram.

Vocaloid was first released in 2004 by Yamaha Corporation, and since then, many different versions of the software have been released, each with its own set of vocal samples and features. The software is available for Windows and macOS, and there are also mobile versions available for iOS and Android.

The Vocaloid software uses a form of concatenative synthesis, which means it stitches together small pieces of recorded speech, called phonemes, to create a seamless singing voice. Users can input lyrics and melody into the software using a piano roll-style interface, and then choose from a variety of presets or create their own custom settings to control the voice's pitch, vibrato, and other parameters.

One of the most popular features of Vocaloid is the ability to create music videos featuring animated characters, such as Hatsune Miku, who is the most popular Vocaloid character. These videos are created by animating the character's lips and movements to match the singing voice, and then adding visual effects and backgrounds.

Vocaloid has become a popular tool for music producers and composers, as well as a platform for creativity and expression for fans and hobbyists. Many Vocaloid songs have been created and shared online, and there are also various fan-made animations and artwork.

Additionally, Hatsune Miku in particular has become a cultural icon in Japan, with merchandise, music albums, and even live concerts featuring a holographic projection of the character. Hatsune Miku has also been used in a variety of other media, including video games, anime, and manga.


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