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Hatsune Miku is a virtual singing artist created by Crypton Future Media. She is depicted as a 16-year-old girl with long, turquoise twintails and is known for her distinctive voice and her use in music production software, such as Vocaloid. Hatsune Miku has become a cultural icon and has performed at various concerts worldwide through the use of holographic technology. She has also appeared in various video games and anime, and has a large fan base. Hatsune Miku is often considered as the most popular and well-known Vocaloid.

Hatsune Miku was first released as a Vocaloid software in 2007, and quickly gained popularity in Japan for her unique voice and the ability for users to create their own songs using her voice. Her popularity spread to other countries, and she has since become a global phenomenon.

In addition to her use in music production, Hatsune Miku has also been featured in a variety of video games, such as the Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA series, which are rhythm games that feature her songs. She has also been featured in anime and manga, as well as in a variety of merchandise such as figures, clothing, and accessories.

Hatsune Miku has also performed live in concert through the use of holographic technology. These concerts are called "Hatsune Miku Live Party" and have taken place not only in Japan but also in countries such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, France and the United States. These concerts feature Hatsune Miku performing on stage as a hologram, accompanied by a live band.

Hatsune Miku's popularity has also led to the creation of a large and dedicated fan community, who create fan art, music, and videos featuring the virtual singer. Hatsune Miku has become a cultural icon and has had a significant impact on the music industry, as well as on popular culture.


長袖アニメドレス,初音ミク,快適,肌にやさしい,日本のカワイイコスプレ服,漫画 8423 6738  (~JPY  ) +detail

オリジナルの漫画の置物,初音ミクのキャラクター,qingcangスタジオ,キュートなミニ人形,呼び出し,花,雨モデル,PVC,ギフトのおもちゃ 6517 6517  (~JPY  ) +detail

置物,おもちゃ,誕生日プレゼントの収集可能なアクションフィギュア2023初音ミク 8371 6697  (~JPY  ) +detail

女性と女の子のためのイヤリング,初音ミッキー39,オリジナルの呼び出しペダル,フープジュエリー,新しいコレクション 7140 6069  (~JPY  ) +detail

オリジナルの初音ミク,ラージモデル,PVC,アクションフィギュア,ギフト,人形 10528 6527  (~JPY  ) +detail

日本の厚底ロリータブーツ,厚底靴,ラフヒール,韓国原宿スタイル,新しいコレクション 7316 6218  (~JPY  ) +detail

タツオウアンアクションフィギュア,ミュウモデル,誕生日,オリーブ,ギャザー,PVC,ノベルティ,クリスマスプレゼント,オリジナル,21cm 7965 5576  (~JPY  ) +detail

9742 6430  (~JPY  ) +detail

オリジナルのセガテンマぬいぐるみステージ,改良されたカサイトゥークササ・ゥー・アゲクササ・ウナギのネングネンクマンシャイロ初音ミクのプロジェクト,セイカイ 10447 10447  (~JPY  ) +detail

ディズニーの漫画の置物,初音ミク,漫画のキャラクター,子供のおもちゃ,ギフト,22cm 6530 6334  (~JPY  ) +detail

初音ミクの置物スタンド,アクリルボードホルダー,呼び出し,アニメ,お土産,家の装飾,16周年記念 7173 6097  (~JPY  ) +detail

女の子のためのワイヤレスBluetoothヘッドセット,初音ミク漫画ヘッドセット,かわいいシリコン保護カバー,半インイヤーギフト 9949 6168  (~JPY  ) +detail

大人のための古典的なアクリルの置物,調整可能なコンサートの置物,子供のための装飾品,コレクション,セクシー 9341 6258  (~JPY  ) +detail

フィギュアアラオドアクションフィギュア,PVC,アニメ,アラビアンオドアクションフィギュア,装飾玩具,ギフトとして贈るのに理想的 12999 6499  (~JPY  ) +detail

子供のためのクォーツ時計,漫画のキャラクター,オリジナルのおもちゃ,理想的なギフト 10778 6790  (~JPY  ) +detail

アニメーションフィギュア,初音ミク 11029 6728  (~JPY  ) +detail

初音ミクのコスプレコスチューム,クリスマス,ハロウィーン,ステージパフォーマンス,ノベルティ24 34922 24445  (~JPY  ) +detail

6328 6328  (~JPY  ) +detail

女の子のためのぬいぐるみバックパック,ハンドバッグ,ぬいぐるみ,漫画のぬいぐるみ,パイントシリーズ,コスプレバッグ,誕生日,バレンタインデーのギフト 6711 6711  (~JPY  ) +detail

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